Alzheimer's Information Forums for Families, Friends and Others who care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Alzheimer information forums (AIFs) are education programs scheduled throughout the year at a variety of locations across the National Capital Area. These forums are free, open to the public, and usually last about 90 minutes. Programs focus on a myriad of topics and issues important to diagnosed individuals and family caregivers.
Free parking is available at all forums or there is easy access to metro. If you would like additional information or directions to area forums, please contact Nancy Dezan at the Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area, toll free at 1-866-259-0042.
Surviving the Financial Challenges of Caregiving
Wednesday, October 17
12:00 noon-1:00 p.m.
Tom West
Certified Financial Consultant
Birks, Keenan and West
McLean, Va.
U.S. Department of Commerce
Rooms 6057 and 6059
14th Street and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.
Since persons with Alzheimer's often require care for many years, the financial challenges of providing such care are considerable. Stretching assets to last over the long term, how to avoid Medicaid spend-down, preserving financial quality of life for the healthy spouse, and tax-smart strategies to pay for long term care expenses will be addressed during this session.
Making the Transition to Residential Care
Thursday, October 18
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Barbara Soniat, PhD
George Washington University
Washington, D.C.
Washington Center on Aging Services
2601 18th St., NE
Washington, D.C.
One of the toughest decisions families face is to move a loved one with dementia from home to a nursing home or assisted living facility. How to know when being at home no longer benefits the person with dementia, things to consider when choosing a residential facility, and how to judge the quality of care are among issues to be addressed in this forum.
End-of-Life Decisions
Tuesday, October 23
7:00-8:30 p.m.
M. Garey Eakes
Partnership for Caring, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
Washington Home and Hospice
3720 Upton St., NW
Washington, D.C.
This forum focuses on preparing for the end-of-life decisions before such decisions need to be made. Topics of discussion will include advance directives, resuscitation attempts, autopsy, artificial feeding and hydration, hospice and hospitalization.
Successful Communication with Memory Impaired Individuals
Friday, November 2
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Janet Colwell
Licensed Social Worker
Bethesda, Md.
Washington Senior Wellness Center
3001 Alabama Ave., SE
Washington, D.C.
Learn how communication is affected in persons with dementia. Explore effective verbal and nonverbal ways to communicate, and understand strategies for enhancing communication both for the caregiver and the person with memory impairment.
Understanding Legal and Financial Issues When Planning for Long Term Care
Thursday, November 15
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Stephanie Grogan, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Washington, D.C.
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Ave., NE
Washington, D.C.
Planning for long term care of persons with Alzheimer's and other memory-related disorders can be daunting. To ease the process, this forum will address important issues and questions relevant to: Impact of incapacity on legal planning and existing legal documents; evaluating the need for durable powers of attorney, advanced medical directives and guardianships; utilization of trusts to manage finances, and tax implications of long term care.
Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions: Treatments that Impact Dementia
Monday, November 26
6:00-8:00 p.m.
George Taler, M.D.
Director of Long Term Care
Washington Hospital Center
Washington, D.C.
Thomye Cave, Director
Downtown Clusters Geriatric Adult Day Care Center
Washington, D.C.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Room A5
901 G Street, NW
Washington, D.C.
Explore ways to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviors by using "tried and true" behavioral interventions that bring desired results. And, learn about current drug therapies for Alzheimer's and other dementias. Explore what medications to use at what dosages for desired results and review common side effects.
Alzheimer's Disease: Caring, Coping and Understanding
POSTPONED from Tuesday, September 11
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Betty Ransom
Director of Education and Training
Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area
Fairfax, Va.
Indian Head Senior Center
100 Cornwallis Square
On the Village Green
Indian Head, Md.
Overview of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, including theories as to the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and assessment, advances in treatments and preventions. Especially for individuals and family members who recently have received a dementia diagnosis.
Doing Things: Activities That Work
Tuesday, September 25
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Melonie Katz, MS, ACC
Activity Consultant
Alexandria, Va.
Crescent Ridge Adult Day Health Center
7001 Oxon Hill Rd.
Oxon Hill, Md.
Activities are an integral part of our daily existence and give meaning to our lives. This is especially true for people with dementia. This forum will help family caregivers identify and use activities that will engage persons with dementia in diverse experiences. Activities discussed and demonstrated will help caregivers structure the day, and give a sense of accomplishment and feelings of being valued to persons with dementia.
Ask Me. . .about Alzheimer's Caregiving Issues
Monday, October 1
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Beth Shapiro, LCSW-C, Director
Holy Cross Adult Day Care Center
Silver Spring, Md.
Ruth Chertkov, Cory Kallen, Susan Nippes and John Paseur
Holy Cross Caregivers Resource Center
9805 Dameron Dr., Room 7
Silver Spring, Md.
An informal question and answer session with a panel of family members who have previously or are currently caring for persons with dementia.
Understanding Legal and Financial Issues When Planning for Long Term Care
Tuesday, October 2
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Jeanne Richter
Elderlaw Attorney
Rockville, Md.
Gaithersburg Upcounty Senior Center
80A Bureau Dr.
Gaithersburg, Md.
Planning for long term care of persons with Alzheimer's and other memory-related disorders can be daunting. To ease the process, this forum will address important issues and questions relevant to: Impact of incapacity on legal planning and existing legal documents; evaluating the need for durable powers of attorney, advanced medical directives and guardianships; utilization of trusts to manage finances, and tax implications of long term care.
Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions: Treatments that Impact Dementia
Tuesday, October 9
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Rosalind Stokes, LPN
Director of Admissions and Marketing
HCR ManorCare
Bethesda, Md.
Calvert Pines Senior Center
450 West Dares Beach Rd.
Prince Frederick, Md.
Explore ways to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviors by using "tried and true" behavioral interventions that bring desired results. And, learn about current drug therapies for Alzheimer's and other dementias. Explore what medications to use at what dosages for desired results and review common side effects.
Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions: Treatments that Impact Dementia
Tuesday, October 16
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Helen Barnes, MS, RN.C
Geropsychiatric Nurse Specialist
Prince George's County Department of Family Services
Aging Services Division
Hyattsville, Md.
Giovanna Morena, M.D.
Geriatric Psychiatrist
Alexandria, Va.
Hebrew Home of Greater Washington
6121 Montrose Rd.
(Smith-Kogod Bldg., Social Hall)
Rockville, Md.
(See above for description)
The "Related Disorders:" How They Differ from Alzheimer's Disease
Wednesday, November 7
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Linda Sapin, M.D.
The Neurology Center
Chevy Chase, Md.
Laurel Regional Hospital
J. Russell Jones Room
7300 Van Deusen Rd.
Laurel, Md.
Alzheimer's disease, while the most common, is not the only type of dementia. This forum reviews the distinguishing features and treatment strategies of some common related disorders: Vascular dementia, Diffuse Lewy Body disease, Pick's disease, Frontal Lobe dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's Chorea, Creuttzfeldt-Jakob's, etc.
Whose Behavaior is Really the Problem?
Tuesday, November 13
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Stephanie Zeman, RN, MS
Nurse Consultant
Fairfax Station, Va.
Chancellor's Run Activity Center
(Located in Chancellor's Run Regional Park)
Loffler's Senior Center
21905 Chancellor's Rd.
Great Mills, Md.
Learn what causes problem behaviors (e.g., uncooperativeness, rummaging, wandering, combativeness, disinhibition, yelling) and how to modify your thinking and your behaviors to positively influence the behaviors of the person with dementia. Explore ways to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviors, and learn what interventions bring desired results.
Surviving the Financial Challenges of Caregiving
Tuesday, October 2
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Tom West, Chartered Financial Consultant
Birks, Keenan and West
Mclean, Va.
North County Governmental Center
Community Room
12000 Bowman Towne Dr.
Reston, Va.
Since persons with Alzheimer's often require care for many years, the financial challenges of providing such care are considerable. Stretching assets to last over the long term, how to avoid Medicaid spend down, preserving financial quality of life for the healthy spouse, and tax-smart strategies to pay for long term care expenses will be addressed during this session.
The "Related Disorders:" How They Differ from Alzheimer's Disease
Thursday, October 4
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Stephanie Zeman, RN, MS
Nurse Consultant
Fairfax Station, Va.
Sherwood Regional Library
2501 Sherwood Hall Lane
(Corner of Parker's Lane and Sherwood Hall Lane)
Alexandria, Va.
Alzheimer's disease, while the most common, is not the only type of dementia. This forum reviews the distinguishing features and treatment strategies of some common related disorders: Vascular dementia, Diffuse Lewy Body disease, Pick's disease, Frontal Lobe dementia, Huntington's Chorea, Creutzfeldt-Jakob's, etc.
Caregiving From A Distance
Tuesday, October 16
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Sheila Goodwin, R.N.
Barbara Payne, MSW
ElderCare Strategies, Inc.
Oakton, Va.
Sunrise Assisted Living at Fair Oaks
3750 Joseph Siewick Dr., 3rd Floor
Fairfax, Va.
If you are trying to oversee care for a confused or memory impaired person who lives far sway, this session is for you! Come and explore strategies for planning ahead, preventing crises and managing care. Find out how to identify and locate available services before they are needed. And, learn how to coordinate and oversee care from hundreds of miles away.
So Now You Have A Power of Attorney. . .
Wednesday, October 17
7:00-8:30 p.m.
John Laster, Esq.
Elderlaw Attorney
Falls Church, Va.
Arleigh Burke Pavilion
1739 Kirby Rd.
Mclean, Va.
Holding a Power of Attorney (PoA) for someone with cognitive impairment isn't as easy as it might sound. Learn techniques for serving as an effective agent under PoA, while avoiding major pitfalls.
Behavioral and Pharmacological Interventions: Treatments That Impact Dementia
Thursday, October 18
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Peggy Daley, R.N
Alzheimer's Family Day Center
Falls Church, Va.
David Sayles, M.D.
Geriatric Psychiatrist
Alexandria, Va.
Explore ways to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviors by using "tried and true" behavioral interventions that bring desired results. And, learn about current drug therapies for Alzheimer's and other dementias. Explore what medications to use at what dosages for desired results and review common side effects.
Myths and Realities of Medicaid
Thursday, November 1
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Gene Coffey
Elderlaw Attorney
Legal Services of Northern Virginia
Arlington, Va.
Gail Hansen
Long-Term Care Benefits Supervisor
Fairfax County Department of Family Services
Fairfax, Va.
Annandale United Methodist Church
Media Resource Center
6935 Columbia Pike
Annandale, Va.
Medicaid is a federal/state program that pays for medical care for persons who meet income and resource limits. It is the largest source of funding for persons who receive care in nursing facilities; it also can cover personal care, adult day services and respite care. It is important that families who need long-term care coverage under Medicaid understand the reality behind the popular myths about Medicaid. This forum will look at some of the myths, outline eligibility requirements, explore transfer of asset issues, and address the application process.
Other Educational Opportunities
Caught in the Middle?
Saturday, September 22
9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Quality Inn-Governor
6650 Arlington Blvd.
Falls Church, Va.
If you are among those caring for college bound teenagers and aging parents while juggling job responsibilities, you may feel "caught in the middle." Presented by Dominion Hospital in cooperation with the Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area. Memory loss and behavior changes in aging parents, legal and financial issues facing elders, and care options in the community are among topics to be addressed by the following expert presenters:
- Dr. Randolph Frank
geriatric psychiatrist and Medical Director
Senior Adult Services
Dominion Hospital
- Jean Galloway Ball
elderlaw attorney
Galloway, Ball & Cossa, P.L.C.
- Anne E. O'Neill
geriatric care manager
Care Options for the Elderly and Disabled
For additional information or to RSVP, call Dominion Hospital at 703/531-6166.
Putting Guilt in a Healthier Place
Wednesday, October 17
8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Alzheimer's Family Day Center
2036 Westmoreland St.
Falls Church, Va.
Cosponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Professional Geriatric Care Managers and the Alzheimer's Family Day Center in cooperation with the Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area, the seminar will explore the role of guilt and its relationship to caregiving. Attention particularly will be given to how guilt influences caregiver choices in positive and negative directions, and to ways to cope with guilt and to transform non-productive guilt into healthier living.
Presenters are:
- Rodney Kibler, Ph.D.
- Sherry Showalter, MSW, LCSW
Seminar fee is $25/families and students, $40/professionals. For a registration form, call 703/532-8899.
A-MAZEing Journey of Alzheimer's
Monday, November 12
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Goodwin House West
3440 S. Jefferson St.
Falls Church, Va.
The 15th Annual Conference of the Northern Virginia Respite Consortium includes a stellar lineup of speakers and topics:
- Leo Frangipane, M.D.
Live, Love, Laugh and Learn
- Michael Morris, M.D.
Advances in Research
- Jolene Brackey
Creating Moments of Joy
- Cameron Camp, PhD
Meaningful Communication through Montessori And InterpreCare Methods
The conference fee, including continental breakfast, lunch and materials is $20/family caregivers, $30/professional and paid caregivers. For more information and conference registration form, call the Alzheimer's Association at 1-866-259-0042.
© 1997 - 2002 Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area. All rights reserved.